Hi, It's Me Muhammad Asad

I'm a

I'm a web Developer with extensive experience for over 2 years. expertise is to create and website design, Frontend, and many more....





As an experienced HTML specialist, I craft clean, efficient, and responsive code to create stunning and functional web pages. Explore my projects to see how I transform ideas into digital reality with precision and creativity.



As a CSS specialist, I design visually captivating and responsive websites. My expertise in styling transforms simple HTML into engaging user experiences. Explore my projects to see the elegance and functionality I bring to web design.



As a JavaScript specialist, I build dynamic and interactive web applications. My expertise in front-end development ensures seamless user experiences and powerful functionality. Explore my projects to see how I bring websites to life with JavaScript.



As a Python specialist, I develop robust and scalable applications. My expertise spans web development, data analysis, and automation, delivering efficient and innovative solutions. Explore my projects to see how I harness Python to solve complex problems and drive results.


UI Design

Elevate your digital presence with visually stunning and user-friendly interfaces. I specialize in creating sleek designs that prioritize usability and engagement, bringing your brand's vision to life with creativity, precision. and delight users.

Fronted Development

Specializing in creating responsive, high-performance web applications. I bring designs to life with clean, efficient code and a keen eye for detail, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices.

Backend Development

Expert in building robust, scalable server-side applications. I specialize in creating secure, high-performance backend systems that ensure seamless functionality and efficient data management for your digital products.

UX Design

Specializing in crafting intuitive, user-centered experiences. I design seamless and engaging interactions, ensuring your digital products are both functional and enjoyable to use. Let's enhance user satisfaction through thoughtful and innovative design solutions.

My Teachers


Sir Rizwan

He is Sir Rizwan (SMIT) teacher. He also conducts private courses. He is an expert teacher of programming. He conducts various courses including MS Office, Graphic Designing, Web Development, etc. I have learned and am still learning a lot from them.


Sir Haris Ali

Haris Ali is the co-founder of the code with Harry YouTube channel, he strives to teach people the basics and coding techniques in a short amount of time that took him ages to learn. There are thousands of videos on his youtube channel, I learned a lot about coding from his youtube channel.


Teacher Shradha

She is the Ex-Microsoft Software Engineer and Co-Founder of Apna College, an online EdTech platform that provides coding education. His youtube channel is related to programming, he has many courses on his channel. I have also learned a lot from his youtube channel.

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